a year ago
Admissions Advice

Will a summer job impress colleges?

hey!! So, I just applied (and got!!) a summer job at this camp I used to go to as a kid. It's a summer camp for elementary and middle schoolers that incorporates STEAM into it, but isn't a STEM camp. It's more for fun, less education, although it does market itself as a STEM camp because of all the activities campers do.

I'm also hoping to apply to many programs, but the job lasts the entire summer.

It pays well, and looks really fun, but a few people have said that being a camp counselor doesn't look great to colleges as it is "easy work", or that jobs themselves are way less beneficial than programs.

I'm hoping to major somewhere in STEM and if the choices are a 2-week, more prestigious program or 6-week, more fun, job, what are the benefits of each? Would the job help me at all?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

In my opinion, yeah it do. Even though I don't have that professor type knowledge, as I'm questioning my ability to make it into UC's 👀, a summer job will definitely impress colleges 100%. No matter what the job is, it shows that you are maturing and becoming more independent as well. As for proving the goofy all counselor wrong, this job will work your social skills as well, considering you will be around others communicating. Maybe your future career might have to do with communicating a lot and this would be a way to build it. This would be your first job too, so say that you were taking any opportunity you had. On a scale of helpfulness I'd put this as a 9. However, that 2 week prestigious program looks appetizing to me. To be honest I would suspect this helps more than the fun one. If I were in this situation, I would immediately go for that prestigious one. Although it won't be fun, this would surely help me get that 💰. This would mean there's more education too, which would sound good for colleges. On a scale of helpfulness, this a light 10. Why not do both, lol. 9+10=91 more helpfulnesses.

a year ago[edited]


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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