Hello I am a freshman looking to get into an ivy/top 10 school in the future and was wondering what the best (top tier) extracurriculars I could get to put on my resume would be for a comp sci undergrad? Also was wondering if getting a patent on a computer science related item would help out as I can get one relatively easy as I have a patent attorney in my family. Thank you in advance!
The top things for extracurriculars would be hackathons and internships. Hackathons are great because they force you to think outside the box and you get to collaborate with other programmers. You can also look for internships with different firms, depending on the type of comp sci you want to focus on. You can also try summer camps or starting your own computer science club(this will boost your application by a lot).
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Do you think that these extracurriculars would be good enough to list for ivy leagues?