I'm a 12th Grader and attend a Government Secondary School in Nigeria.
Normally, In my country, we don't offer AP or Honors Classes.
I'm not sure if I'm safe applying without any.
I need help on this.
If your school does not offer AP Exams, College Admission Officers don't expect you to take them, so you should definitely apply without them.
Although if they are available outside your school, and you can afford and take them, you should definitely try to... like i am from India and my school does'nt offer AP as well but i took 3 APs externally... this shows initiative in academics and will also save you a lot of money in Universities.
Don't forget to take the SAT, although schools are test-optional, international students should take them.
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Thank you so much for this. I'd love to take AP's externally too but I cannot afford them and I'd have to travel to take them. I studied AP chemistry online though. I have not yet gotten a sponsor for my SAT also but I wish to take it in June.