a year ago
Admissions Advice

I have no extracurriculars and im graduating in 2 years. I like books not really sports, what do i do?

I have no community hours, and I haven't done any extracurriculars. I like books, and I also like crafts and painting, but I don't have time for extracurriculars because after school I watch my brother, and my mom doesn't get off until after dinner, so I won't have a ride anyway. What do I do to complete these requirements and make my admissions seem interesting?

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@Ryan.Sha year ago [edited]

Hello, I think a good way to have some extracurriculars is to look around and see if your school offers any clubs or activities you can do in school during a study hall, free period, or extra time in the morning (if you arrive early). And if nothing appeals to you or works for you then start your own club for arts and crafts and schedule your club meetings when the time works for you. Since you will be the leader of this club, all of the meetings work around you! Hope this helps!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

You could look into being a library assistant at your school. Some schools will let students do this for credits or service hours.

a year ago[edited]

I suggest starting out by joining clubs as they could introduce you to other community service activities, competitions, certifications, leadership positions etc. Or you can start your own book or art club. Try to find a place to volunteer regularly during the weekends (hospital, animal shelter, tutoring, library etc.). You can start a youtube crafts/painting channel or a book review channel. Maybe sell your artwork on ebay. Enter competitions for writing or start a blog with book reviews. Apply for a part time job if possible (babysitting, tutoring, waiter, etc). Family responsibilities counts as a pretty impressive extracurricular! You can always utilize your summers efficiently to build experience for your college resume. These are just a few ideas based on your interests.

Extracurriculars aren't a requirement, but rather a factor taken into consideration by colleges and something that could possibly give you an upper hand during the evaluations.

a year ago

Hi @cantdecide4mylife!

Extracurriculars are not requirements that you need to complete in order to get into college. Rather, they are a way of demonstrating your interests outside the classroom. You don't need to play a sport if you don't like sports. When applying, you'll see a section for indicating your extracurricular activities. You can put family responsibilities in there since you need to watch your brother in your free time.

If you like crafts and painting, you can do those activities at home while watching your brother.

Hope this helps!

a year ago

Hey! Honestly trying out a passion project could work! Create something on a platform to showcase your love for books or whatever it is you like. And remember that although colleges do look at extracurriculars, they look at your overall application.

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