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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurricular and activities would you suggest for me?

I am a Junior in high school. I am very creative, I like cooking & reading & playing video games. I am in the Women in Literature Club and Creative Writing Club at my school, and I am doing an internship in the summer. I want to do more, because college and all that, but I can possibly conjure up anything else to do! Any suggestions?

@maruusaa year ago

You can join a school sports team or fitness club to increase interaction with people and exercise. slope

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago


Those all sound like great activities! Like the comment below, I'd suggest joining a cooking or baking club (I might be biased, though - I'm the president of my school's baking club) and any other writing clubs at your school, such as a newspaper or journalism club. Those would both be a good way to spread and expand your love of reading. If your school has an e-sports league, gaming club, or any other thing like that, I'd recommend joining those groups. If your school doesn't have any of these, make one! Being the founder of any sort of club looks excellent in college applications.

Additionally, if you have any other interests, joining or starting a group to support these activities is a wonderful idea.

Good luck!

2 years ago


Aside from joining and starting clubs surrounding your current interests (cooking, reading, playing video games), you could write a novella and publish it! It is possible to publish it on Amazon for free on your own. Writing something and having it gain traction is a great way to stand out. If you are able to get a team together (which will show leadership abilities on a resume) you could even make a video game and post it on the app store. You don't necessarily need to know how to code, since you like writing you could be in charge of storyline and theme of the game (but you will need a few people in your group who do know how to code of course).

These take some effort, but it'll be worth it!

2 years ago

I would say join the cooking club (if you don't have one at your school, try creating that club with the people who are interested), or join any type clubs that deal with video games.

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