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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take Psych before taking AP Psych?

I have been trying to plan what classes to take my junior year and I really want to take AP Psych but I'm not sure if I should take regular psych first? I am aware that by taking psych first it will give me a lot of background knowledge but I really want to take more AP classes.

Has anyone taken AP Psych and not taken regular psych before? If you have were you able to catch up on the materials and still understand it?

Any recommendations or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

@gmod248572 years ago

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Taking OL Psych before taking AP will help you get a simple grasp on the curriculum which can be an advantage when going to AP. But, jumping straight to AP really has no "cons". You will get taught everything you need to know starting on day 1 in that class. I took AP without regular and it really didn't give me any setbacks. I understood the material well and didn't feel like I was missing out on background information.

2 years ago

Heyy I'm currently taking Ap Psych without taking regular psych and I'm a sophomore. I'd only taken one AP class before taking this. My experience overall has been pretty chill. We learn a lot of interesting topics, have fun activities, and pretty easy tests. The pacing is a little faster than a regular class would be, but it isn't as challenging compared to other AP courses due to the simplicity of the topics (most feel like obvious theories with basic biology), but you will have to keep up with the readings and pay attention in class (makes the class so much easier). This does require some memorization of terms and such things, but the tests are easier than the textbook makes the course be. Personally, I feel like this is one of the most stress relieving and free classes that I've ever taken. I would suggest taking this class as a first AP class or a freshmen class (it's that chill). It's a great gpa booster too! Hope this helps and feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

2 years ago

There is really no need to take regular psychology, if the AP course is anything like mine. The AP course essentially is just the regular course, but with additional information. You won’t miss out on anything.

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