4 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP exam scores

Hiiiiii!! I got a three on AP comp sci (which I hated and do not plan to pursue), but 5s in my other two APs. Will submitting the 3 hurt my admissions odds? thank you!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

There's been lots of questions on APs recently so I'm hoping to help spread some knowledge on the actual effects of submitting your scores. Many people seem to think that AP scores make-or-break your application when in reality AP scores have very little impact on your admissions chances. Admissions officers care much more about your course rigor and the grades you received in your AP classes than what you scored on your test.

Knowing where you are applying can help me give you a more informed answer but generally if you are applying to selective schools you shouldn't send in a 3. At less selective schools 4s/5s can be enough to set you apart but 3s won't give you that same edge. That's not to say it can't be helpful, it's just not as impactful. Where APs might come into play, especially as you get into the more selective schools, is comparing students of similar profiles. If you're being considered against another student and you took APs while they did not, you'll be more likely to be accepted. If both of you took APs it will come down to scores typically. This article, https://blog.collegevine.com/how-important-are-ap-scores-for-college-admissions/, explains a bit about the role AP scores play in admissions. You need to ask yourself if the potential benefit of sending in a 3, along with the 5s, outweighs the benefits of just sending in 5s. Do you think that additional 3, when sent with the 5s and rest of your app, will give you an edge over other candidates? If yes, submit it. If you think the 5s alone, along with the rest of your app, are strong enough and are concerned that a 3 might be looked at negatively then err on the side of caution and don't submit it.

Hope that helps a bit and happy to answer any follow-up questions.

4 years ago

It is dependent on circumstances for more detailed info look at supertutortv's youtube channel as again it comes down to circumstance

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

My best advice is DO NOT submit the 3 in AP CompSci. First of all, you will not get any college credit for a 3 (most likely not), and secondly, it is not the area of study you wish to pursue. The 2-5s look more impressive on their own. If you took 3 SAT II subject tests and said you got a 770 and 780 in 2 of them and 630 in the 3rd one, I would tell you the same thing, only submit the 2 highest scores. Good luck

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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