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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do you get into an ivy league university, specifically for their math programs?

Every video on yt about people going over stats that got them into ivy league universities it is never for their math program.

I am wondering if someone knows of the kinds of test scores (e.g. ACT / SAT), extracurriculars / placements (e.g. IMO / AMC ), and anything else that guarantees or increases your chances of getting into an ivy league university specifically for their math program.

Also, if anyone knows of a summary of a student's stats that did get into an ivy league university.

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1 answer

2 years ago


I'm sure anyone can tell you this, but especially in today's admissions era, it is impossible to be able to guarantee a spot in any ivy league school in general, let alone a math program. The kids who may post videos about how they got into ivy leagues may likely be general studies students because the math program could very well be much more selective. I'm going to be honest, I am not well-versed in math programs, but for Harvard, it is not unusual for kids to get perfect scores on the SAT. This is also common at MIT. (Think 75th percentile or higher of accepted students) While SAT scores certainly help, there is much more to an application. Be wary of a single number. Harvard offers one of the hardest undergrad math classes in the country (some say the world), Math 55. Some student reviews of the class say other kids in the class have been World Math Champions, like international math competition winners or high placers. While Harvard may debunk how hard it is, do not expect the class to be a breeze, or that kids in the class will not have accolades like that. Of course, this isn't all the schools, but again, do not expect Cornell's or Dartmouth's math programs to somehow be incredibly easy. ALL ivy leagues have incredibly challenging curriculums, that much is true. You will have a tough road ahead of you, but my unrelenting optimism says you can certainly give your all and achieve much more than perhaps what you anticipated.

Hope this helps! :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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