a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is this a good schedule for my junior year? Would these classes be manageable?

Hello, I’m a rising junior (current sophomore) in high school and these are the classes I’m taking in my junior year.

Just for reference, I’m taking AP Chem, AP Lit, and AP Gov currently.

Junior classes:

1. AP Language and Composition

2. AP Spanish

3. AP Calculus AB

4. AP Biology

5. AP U.S. History

I also want to major in political science at an ivy league institution and work towards earning a law degree.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi @shobik, these classes are perfect for your junior schedule and they are quite manageable since I took similar ones. You just have to create a balanced schedule that fits your lifestyle where you'll be able to exceed in these classes and the exams.

a year ago

My only real question depends on your extracurriculars or what takes up your time outside of school. If you have time-consuming ECs or even have a job, I would absolutely not recommend this. This also depends on if you want to excel on the exams AND in your class (think 4 or 5 for exams and A or B in class). This almost guarantees that you need lots of time after school to not simply do homework but focus on the quality of your study. Another factor to consider is your teachers. Will your teachers give you homework every day? Don't just take APs to take APs, make sure that whatever choice you make, it is sustainable. I'm not sure what Spanish background you have already, but regardless of whether you choose Lang or Lit, my recommendation is at LEAST 2 years in HS (maybe some in middle school). I could also say that if you want to go into polisci or law, perhaps lower one of the classes (like AP Bio down to regular or honors Bio) and if you have room, take a law class. Colleges want to see that you're making an effort to take classes or do ECs related to an intended major (if you have one). I'm sure this can be achievable with little to no ECs or time commitments, but with my own personal schedule, I cannot in good faith recommend this if you have anything that takes up good bits of time outside of school (think anything you'd put in the CV EC section). I want to say you can do it but do not burn yourself out or run yourself into the ground. That very well may be your biggest struggle with this schedule.

Hope this helps!! :)

a year ago

Taking all of these classes in one year is impressive. If you can handle the workload, yes it is a good fit. However, you are only taking 3 AP courses currently and this would be 5. While it is good to have AP classes for getting into an Ivy, Poli-Sci and Law do not require some of these classes. If you feel overwhelmed by coursework, I would consider switching AP Bio and AP Spanish for the non-AP classes. These are not as important to your projected path and will allow you more time to study for your other classes. Best of luck on you college journey and keep doing your best!

a year ago

This really depends. Most of these aren't hard or too bad, but AP classes are a lot of work. Especially because you have to prep for the exam in May. Also, take into account your extracurriculars and if you are taking the SAT/ACT. Take into account prepping for the standardized tests.

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