I’m a freshman and these are my plans for AP Classes in my next years, a lot of them I am forced to take as an upperclassmen and for next year I can add maybe 1 course because a lot of courses are still required for my academic honors diploma.
Sophomore Year; AP Computer Science Principles
Junior Year: AP Stats, AP Seminar, AP Environmental Science,
Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Research, AP Microeconomics (Fall), AP Macro Economics (Spring), AP Psychology, AP Government & Politics (1 Semester)
Any I’m missing or you think I should add or take away?
I'm in AP Calc AB, and I would say to make sure you've taken a Pre calc or Intro to Calc type class before you jump into Calc AB. I don't know if you plan on Stats being your only math class Junior year, but Calc AB is pretty much all brand new content, so you'll want to be sharp with your algebra and trig because there isn't time to go back and review! At my school AP Stats is typically taken in place of, concurrently, or after AP Calc AB.
Consider moving AP Psychology to Sophomore year unless your school has a policy around AP courses. I took it this year, I'm also a freshman, and it is not a challenging course. You can add an AP English to your list; I'd recommend AP English Language and Composition, as you have to take an introductory college writing anyways.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Our school only allows seniors to take Psych unfortunately, and at my school Lang is junior only and I’m not in honors English as I have zero ability to take advanced english