a year ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurricular ideas

Hello, I’m currently in my sophomore year of high school near the Atlanta area, and I’ve been struggling to find good extracurricular activities near me. I would like to major in Journalism and I would like to attend USC. My academic profile is fine, although I know it could use a bit of work. So far my only extracurriculars are: Marching Band, Advance Wind Ensemble at school, and Piano. My school doesn’t offer any clubs related to Journalism unfortunately besides yearbook. Also most internships at local publication companies don’t take high schoolers, so that’s kind of out the window. So any ideas would be appreciated, whether it’s related to Journalism or not :)


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3 answers

a year ago

I recommend joining some sort of writing program, or publishing your own pieces. For example, you could start a website/blog where you share articles you write, or reach out to newspapers/online sites that publish reader's submissions. I'd suggest searching the internet for specific sites to send submissions to, and what types of submissions they accept.

As another option, you could sign up for virtual student writing programs that are based outside of the Atlanta area. For example, the organization Girls Write Now (not specifically journalism focused) is based in New York, with participants mostly living in the NY, NY area, but they accept students from all over the US. The organization can help with things like getting your work published, connecting you with internships and jobs, as well as general mentoring, since each participant is paired with a 1-1 mentor. I believe its a greater time commitment, but as its virtual, it should still provide a bit of flexibility.

a year ago

Start a school newspaper! It's incredibly easy if your school will allow it. You should gather a team of around 2-3 people to begin your small publication and make your newspaper in Canva every 9 weeks (or however often you'd like). Send out an email to your school's mailing list of students to "publish" your edition.

I am the EIC of my school's newspaper & yearly lit magazine pub team. If you need any help feel free to ask more!

a year ago

You said you are in the marching band, have you ever thought about doing color guard? It's just a suggestion.

Maybe you could start your own club if your school would allow it.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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