Hi, I’m currently a sophomore in high school. I’m pretty set on becoming a tax lawyer, and I was wondering if I could do anything now or in the near future to make my application better. Currently, I’ve formatted a class schedule (for junior/senior) that is very literature-based; are there any other steps I can take? For example, is Model UN a good idea to add to my schedule? Are there any particular clubs that I can join? I intend to major in history, english, or economics in university so is there anything related to that that I can add on now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
I am also a sophomore, and just for general applications, I think it would look good to have many extracurriculars on there. They don't necessarily have to be serious or about literature. It makes you look well-rounded to have different activities on your record. Model UN would definitely be great, I don't have that at my school but it seems really good. I think colleges like to see personality, but I haven't been through the college process so I'm not a pro haha. Maybe also something that can show you are serious like an internship or personal endeavors would be good too. Anyway wishing you good luck for your future! i bet you'll become the best tax lawyer :) <3
Hi! I'm a junior and I also want to become a lawyer, so here are some of the extracurriculars I do. I would strongly recommend joining mock trial if your school has a team, though I know some schools don't. Also if your school has any sort of debate/speech club or team, you should try to join that. Model UN, like you said, is a great idea. I'd also recommend joining some sort of history or english-related club, and since you're in 10th grade there's time for you to possibly get a leadership position in that club. You can always look into starting your own club, too! I would also start looking around you area to see what legal internships are available for high school students. If there aren't any, I'd suggest looking for some law-related summer programs. Hopefully that gives you some ideas! Good luck!
You could join or start a debate team, as well as taking some AP courses in economics and literature. You might be able to do dual enrollment in an economics or calculus course.
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Tysm for the advice! I do have a few extracurriculars under my belt but I’ve been considering adding some. I’ll definitely take this into mind :)