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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I get my Unweighted GPA up and should I join more Extracurricular for Colleges Admissions?

Hi, I'm currently a sophomore at a technical high school. My unweighted gpa is 3.58 and my weighted one is around 3.75. I'm trying to get my GPA up for my dream college. The issue is that no matter how well I do in classes, it won't really go up. During freshman year I only really struggled with math so that was my lowest grade. Though, the entire year I never had a class grade under 80% except for two different quarters in Math. One grade was a 78 and another was a 66% (Because I missed my final due to contracting covid. Which landed me a test grade of 0% that was also worth two test grades) This year I was inducted into The National Honor Society as well as participated in SkillsUSA (A nationwide competition for technical school skills though I didn't make it far) I also participate in my schools GSA. I haven't missed a single day of club as well. I was also part of a club that allowed me to volunteer at the local animal shelter. Lastly, I'm a part of a leadership club that is mainly community service. Out of everyone apart of the program, I attended the most events while being in the youngest grade accepted into the program. I've gotten honor roll/ high honor roll for 3/4 quarters this year as well as last year. Since we're still in our last quarter I'm hoping to get it again. But even with all these good grades, I haven't been able to really get my GPA up and it's frustrating. I've maintained over 90 in every single class for the entire year. I don't know what to do anymore. Next year I want to attend more clubs but there are not many clubs I'm interested in. Forgot to mention but last year I took 2/4 honors classes (English and Biology) and this year I'm taking 3/4 honors classes {History, English, and Chemistry} (we only have 4 academic classes that offer honors. The rest are College Prep). (My school is pretty small so we don't have a lot of clubs and most of them are on the same days as other clubs.) Do you have any advice for me and do you think I'd have a good shot at getting into my dream college that has a 68% acceptance rate? (Sorry If I repeated anything or made any errors, I type fast)

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2 answers

2 years ago

I'm also still in high school so my interpretation of college admissions could be totally wrong but I think your involvement in clubs and extracurriculars will show your dedication to academics on college applications. It's super easy for a person's GPA to go down but super difficult to get it back up. The best you can do for that would be to continue maintaining good grades (which it sounds like you are) and there's always the additional information box on college applications where you can explain how Covid affected your grades/GPA early on in high school if you feel that's necessary. I would also recommend getting as many leadership roles as possible in your clubs. If you know what you want to major in I would also suggest focusing on extracurriculars that directly relate to that major. That's just my perspective on your situation, but I honestly think you have a good chance of getting into your dream school! Good luck!

2 years ago

I understand that it can be frustrating trying to bring your GPA up. Keep trying your best to keep up your grades, and continue to participate in extracurriculars. Instead of trying to join a ton of clubs, try to hone in on 2-4 that you really enjoy and gain leadership positions/make an impact in those clubs. Being well rounded is good, but it can often be better to have a few well defined passions and interests. Be patient and press forward! Best of luck my friend :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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