a year ago
Admissions Advice

Are there professional Unity game developers here or where to find them?

My friends and I have proposed the idea of ​​developing our own game for PC, particularly we want to develop it in the Unity engine but none of us are experts or development professionals, so we are looking for someone who can help us with this. Does anyone know where to find this type of professionals to develop games in Unity? I reserve all the details of the game to discuss with the professional who is going to develop the game

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3 answers

a year ago

Hello @terrykrauler! I am a Unity developer, and I recommend finding professionals on LinkedIn, Reddit, or Discord! I do recommend attempting to learn C# first if you want to get into the Unity space. Fiver is a great option too!

a year ago

Professional developers of Unity computer games can be found on the Internet in a minute. There are a lot of companies that are engaged in this type of activity, but no one can say who exactly is a specialist in game development. You need to search for keywords in the Google search engine, it is faster and more reliable than waiting for an answer in a topic from strangers.

a year ago

It's a very cool idea to make a game with Unity. After all, this is an excellent engine for games that allows you to create a high-quality picture. Have you already decided on the graphics that it will be 2D or 3D? Try to search the Internet for developers who have experience with this platform, I'm sure this is not a problem now.

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