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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Who do you turn to about regulation and the need to know the requirements when you have a business based in the Fintech

Today there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who have launched into the Fintech business world and not to mention Fintech technologies that grow day after day, my question, which is actually very important, is is there any kind of service that Does it give us a right over the business or development of Fintech technology? I find it very good to know this because if something happens in the legal field it is quite good to know where and who to turn to. Does anyone have any idea about this? In addition to all this, also to know what types of regulations, requirements and others must be met by a Fintech business or a Fintech technology development company


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1 answer

2 years ago

Each country has different legislation. Therefore, for all matters relating to financial technologies or financial transactions, you should contact lawyers who specialize in this topic. I would advise you not to wait until something goes wrong, but to turn to a lawyer now to understand how to act in the legal field.

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