a year ago
Admissions Advice

What APs should I take in 10th grade? Rate it's difficulty level for each one you list.

I'm a freshman and I want to know what APs I should take next year.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

I took AP Psychology as a sophomore and I loved it. The workload is a lot more than your regular honors class (honestly, that might depend on your teacher), but it's so engaging that I didn't mind it. The AP test also isn't that strenuous, with only 100 (I believe) MCQs and 2 FRQS (free-response questions).

Others that I have heard are easier are Computer Science Principles, Environmental Science, and Human Geography. I haven't taken them personally, but their pass rates are higher than average and I've heard others say they're easy.

I hope this helps! :)

a year ago[edited]

I have heard that AP Psychology and AP Environmental Science are easy if you put work into them. So you can do those two, but before deciding what APs you are taking you must think of what you like. Because even the hard ones can be easy for you when you like them. There isn't a perfect formula for APs you should take based on your grade level. And you don't specify what major you intend to take. Because that is really important too. For example, if you want to be a therapist you can prioritize taking AP Psychology, a history AP, and maybe AP English. And then move on to other APs if you aim to take more for a better college application. But from my perspective, this is how I would rate the APs I am familiar with.

Easiest to hardest:

1) Psychology (a lot of it is memorization)

2) Environmental science ( a lot of it is memorization)

3) Literature and composition (needs you to develop many skills but after using Litcharts I have improved a lot)

4) Precalculus

5) Computer science A

6) Computer science principles

7) Bio (very dense in information)

8) Chem (a lot of rules to memorize and learn when to use them)

9) Physics 2 (same as chemistry)

But again it really depends on you.

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