a year ago
Admissions Advice

What are some things to help my scholarship applications stand out more?

I have been applying for scholarships lately through Bold.org. I have applied to over 40 scholarships and am scared that I won't receive awards for any of them. Are there any tricks?

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Accepted Answer
a year ago

1. Tailor your application: Each scholarship has its requirements, and you should tailor your application to meet those requirements. Make sure you address all the questions in the application and showcase your strengths in a way relevant to the scholarship.

2. Highlight your achievements: Scholarships are often awarded based on academic merit, leadership skills, or community involvement, among other factors. Make sure that you highlight your achievements in these areas, and provide evidence of your accomplishments where possible.

3. Read the requirements carefully: Before applying for any scholarship, make sure that you meet all the eligibility criteria, and understand what the scholarship is looking for in terms of academic achievements, community involvement, or other factors.

Scholarships each have their sets of requirements so I can't give you deep insight into the subject, however, I put together some of the basics of making your scholarships as strong as they can be. I hope this helps!

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