5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I list side interests to a college if they don't relate to my main area of study?

Want to major in MSE but also have strong interests in politics and music... should i also list these interests, or is there something having to do with having a "spike" that could lower my chances of admission.

@ABWILL5 years ago

You should only indicate the majors that you actually intend on studying in the academic interests/ majors question. However, showing your other interests elsewhere in your application is a great idea!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

You should only indicate the majors that you actually intend on studying in the academic interests/ majors question. However, showing your other interests elsewhere in your application is a great idea!

5 years ago

I know you already accepted an answer but thought I'd still chime in. Like @ABWILL said, you should only list the major you are interested when applying to the college. However, you definitely should include any activities/hobbies/interests on your application even if they don't apply to your major. While colleges obviously want to see you have interests or have taken steps to demonstrate interest in your intended major that's not the only thing they are interested in. They also want to know about other things you do that make you who you are. If you only include things related to your major you can come off as "boring" in a way. Colleges are going to want to know what gets you excited, what else you do in your spare time, and what you find interesting. This is a great way for you to show off your hobbies, give the school a better idea of who you are, and help them decide if you'd fit in well with the culture and values of the school.

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