a year ago
Admissions Advice

What topic do you include in entrance essay

I would like to know what topics I have to include in the NC A&T ENTANCE essay, for example (if you don't understand) UNC you have to include a description of a fictional character, a historical figure, or creative art (music, painting, science, etc.) that has influenced you and you have to explain the influence.

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1 answer

a year ago

Do you mean what would be best to use as a topic and how to write it? Which ideas to use? It looks like you're given the prompt, you don't have to use anything specific as a topic other than what they ask for. This goes for college essays in general.

I would pick whatever relates best to you as a person and the profile you plan to present to admissions officers. If your spike is clearly in classical music and you're very passionate about it, for example, I might pick a classical composer (maybe not very mainstream like Mozart or Bach), and give a unique, compelling anecdote that ties into a story of self-growth/change. Ideas of self-growth, identity, and telling your story are what should be funneled into the essays. They don't all have to be on positive topics, my CommonApp started with the words "I hate how the word love feels" and delved into a story of abuse, but I ultimately used it to explain how I have grown as a person and how my perspective of certain things has changed.

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