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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How many extracurriculars do you need? Is it more quality over quantity or is it the opposite?

Hello all,

I’m just finishing up my sophomore year in high school and still so confused over the aspect of extracurriculars in an application.

My freshman and the beginning of my sophomore years were the worst times I’ve ever had before, thus I avoided being involved in most activities after school. Only until January of this year, I really started realizing that maybe I should focus on this a little bit more.

In my freshman year, I was involved in Y-Club, which is a sort of debate club where you go to state assemblies to debate bills with other members of y-club, and a Japanese Languages and Culture Club.

This year, I switched schools and it was struggle to figure out what I am interested in. Eventually, I joined my school’s French club and explored my interests. I started volunteering weekly at my local library sorting books and cleaning shelves. Then, I founded my own writing club, where we explore genres of writing and review them for practice, easing our way into entering various writing contests for scholarship. Based on my academics, I was also successfully admitted into my school’s National Honor Society Chapter. I have no idea why, but at my school, if you join NHS, you also have to join Bridge Club, a club focused on bridging the gap between people with disabilities.

My whole goal is getting into this summer program in my state called the Governor’s Scholar Program, where you get to take college classes for free and get a full scholarship to any school in the state (not that I’m planning to, but I think it will look great on a resume and be extremely fun).

I have no idea if what I’m doing is good enough or not. My main interests involve around writing (mostly nonfiction) , research, and history and currently, I’m considering being an editor, journalist, or archeologist.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

With the amount of activities you do, I'd say you are very well-rounded!

- cultural open-mindedness (from Japanese Club and French Club)

- philanthropy (volunteering at the library, etc, but look up the term more)

- Academic success (NHS)

- leadership skills (acquired through founding your school's writing club and Y Club)

The terms I listed above are really what colleges look for. There are also activities such as getting involved in a sport, but that's only if you are interested in such a thing. (There is no point in joining something if it's boring.)

These are great activities! Make sure to carry on with them throughout high school to maximize not only the fun but the chances that colleges will like you for them! You can always join more things if you wish, but make sure not to strain yourself. :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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