a year ago
Admissions Advice

Which path is better: community college and transfer to a UC or start off at a UC and potentially have to withdraw?


I am afraid that my son may be burnt out with his grades dropping some as a junior/senior. I am sure it has cost him opportunities as a result he is opting for UC that he is not thrilled about. One thought had been to encourage him to start with community college and assuming he does as well as I think as I think he is capable, he could transfer to a potentially even better UC. The option was to let him start at a UC and if it got too tough, have him withdraw and then transfer to community college to allow him to catch his breadth. I am wondering that this path may have some danger in that a potential UC target school would see the withdrawal and count it as a mark against him.

Any advice would greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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1 answer

a year ago

Hi! Any UC school is a great accomplishment, and withdrawing from any of these schools should not affect your son's readmission chances. If, when your son reapplies, the school asks for a reason for the withdrawal, you can simply tell them it was either a financial or familial issue that prompted the withdrawal.

If your son begins his school career at a community college, the transfer will actually increase his chances of admission into many UC schools. Community college is also markedly easier and cheaper than almost all public universities. Best of luck!

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