a year ago
Admissions Advice

What AP scores should I report?

I have my AP World test soon and I'm predicting that I'll get around a 3 or a 4. I'm aiming to study filmmaking at USC (which I'm aware is very competitive). Should I report a score like that, or would it hurt my chances for them to see that I didn't get a 5?

(For more context, it's not that I'm not trying in AP world. I have a solid A in the class and I do my best, I just have very bad anxiety and struggle with things like SAQs and LEQs, especially when they're timed. I'm studying as much as I can but I don't really have a good memory for historical examples, etc. which are important from what I've read/heard.)

(Edit: I've been informed that USC doesn't even accept AP credits so just schools with similar levels of competitiveness to the university of Southern California ig))


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2 answers

a year ago

I would submit scores of three and up. According to the College Board, USC offers credit for qualifying AP scores, and offers placement into advanced courses for qualifying AP scores. USC offers 4 credits for AP World History: Modern with a minimum score of a 3.

a year ago


First of all, USC doesn't accept AP equivalency. So if you're hoping that your score will get you any college credit, it will not. If you decide to submit your score (regardless of what it is), it will hold very little weight in the USC admissions process anyway.

If you end up getting a four, you should definitely submit that score. A four is excellent on any AP test, but less than 50% of AP World students get above a three. If you get a three, that still puts you in the top 70%. It probably will not hurt your chances to submit a three. Best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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