Should scores of 1 and 2 be submitted to colleges or withheld?
Submitting 1s and 2s when submitting AP test scores is optional like shooting yourself in the foot (which is a silly thing to do). Don't do that.
If you have taken a lot of AP tests then submit the 4s and 5s because most top schools regard 4s and 5s for college credit. Unless you are applying to UC schools that accept 3s for college credit.
Hey! There's really no point in submitting AP scores that are less than 3 to colleges. You can't get credit for them and it might weigh down the rest of your application.
No, I think all colleges consider a 1 or 2 a fail.
No, you should not. Many colleges see 1s/2s as failing and do not accept them. Instead, show them 4s/5s in other AP courses you have taken. Although some schools do accept 3s, make sure to look at whether the school you wish to apply to accepts 3s or not.
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