5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should i write my college essay on something that has nothing to do with my major?

I want to major in computer science, but was wondering if i could/should write my essay on basketball and my struggles with playing for a varsity team. I am now the captain of said team so it might look good as a success story/overcoming an obstacle.

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2 answers

5 years ago

It's definitely OK to write an essay that has nothing to do with your major. Colleges aren't only interested in what you've done to help make your application look good for you major. They also want to see what makes you excited, interesting, etc. to see if you'd be a good fit for their school. If you think writing about being on the basketball team is going to be interesting enough for them then that's what you should write.

Writing about sports is a fairly common topic and is often considered a "no no" when it comes to the essay process. But, if you spend countless hours each week practicing and doing something you're passionate about it makes sense you want to write about it! Sports can teach people a lot of things: leadership, commitment, teamwork, discipline and you've more than likely made some life long friends. If you do decide to write about sports something you'll need to consider is how to set yourself apart from other students who are also writing about sports. You're going to want to make your story interesting so consider writing it from a different perspective or adding another layer of depth in the essay. You mentioned overcoming being short so maybe you could write it from the perspective of a hero battling against giants and you don't reveal it's about a real basketball game until late in the essay. Whatever you decide it will need to be unique. You'll want to ask yourself this: could any other basketball player have written this essay? If someone else handed in your essay with their name on it is it likely the details could still mostly apply? If the answer is yes, you should consider adding another twist, making it more creative, or reaching a more compelling conclusion.

To make a long answer short - yes, you can write about sports - just make sure it's one of the most unique sports essays an Admissions Officer will read.

5 years ago

Write the essay that you think shows you the best and the essay that will be the strongest. If you want to go into computer science, hopefully your application already reflects that. However, if there is a concerning lack of computer science experience in your application, you might want to explain that in an essay.

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