4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Rate my ECs??

I'm a rising senior this year and everything is shut down so this is basically all I'm going to get the chance to do until I apply. I'm planning on majoring in linguistics and I'm from CA so I'm primarily applying to UCs. The goal is UCLA but that's probably a reach lol.

4.0 GPA (4.63 weighted), 1st in class out of ~375, I haven't taken the SAT officially yet but practice tests put me at about 1400

Academic Decathlon- all 4 years, team captain junior + senior year, won several awards at county level including highest team scorer

Science Olympiad- I haven't won any awards personally but team qualified for state competition, wasn't able to compete because the event got cancelled due to virus

Mock Trial- 1 year, assuming it gets cancelled this upcoming season, no leadership position/awards

President/founder of speech club but no one actually joined so we never competed. There were plans in place to host a TEDx event at my school but was once again cancelled due to the virus. :( It might happen this upcoming year but no one knows.

Internship for congressional campaign in my home district (200+ volunteer hours) planning to apply again in the upcoming election season

Volunteer at local library (50+ hours, cancelled due to virus, planning to start again once library opens back up)

Girl's State nominee, won a school-level award for citizenship (sounds better than it actually is, you're basically just the teacher that picked you's favorite), CSF life member

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1 answer

4 years ago

So I’m basing this off of the idea of UC Santa Barbara/ UC Irvine. The speech club has no worth as nothing came from it so I wouldn’t even list it on your application. Also depending on what county you live in as you won an award it can be amazing as in LA county but if you live in Alpine county (least populous) it’s like so what?

I’d say your ECs are strong for the upper section of UC schools for UCLA and UC Berkeley it’s adequate. I’d try to find a bit of a more involved EC personally I’d recomend a job maybe in the service industry as it can show responsibility and interactions with other people which is semi important in linguistics. If I remember correctly UCs require rec letters so assuming you have strong rec letters you have a really good shot at UCSB and UC Irvine.

Also depending on your demographics you can have a really good shot at UCLA. But I’d catergorize UCLA as a close reach and UC Berkeley as a far reach. So for selective schools you have a really good shot.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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