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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Rising Junior looking for academics and ECs, for summer & Junior year

Hello! I'm going to be a Junior for the 2023-24 school year, and I'm not sure what I should be doing to help prepare for my future. Most likely, due to tight finances I'd realistically begin higher education in community college and transfer to a University later on. I hope to attend Howard, I have a 70% acceptance rate via Collegevine's stats for regular decision, and 80% for EA binding, both without test scores. I think Columbia or Princeton would be amazing, but I have a pretty low chance of being accepted. I'm considering a few different majors, like Public policy analysis, or International Studies, because I want to study law and/or become a foreign service officer.

My ECs are ok I think, but not focused or long-term. The only extracurriculars I've participated in so far was 2 essay contests(never won), Newspaper club (World News and Culture editor for 1 yr, though not much got done so I probably won't join next year, unless I have a chance to become an editor in chief), a free summer program with the city planning commission (which I'm likely attending this summer), and a 6 week graphic design internship with the public library system. I feel like they could be better, or at least more focused in my field of choice. I've done some volunteering as well.

I have a decent GPA (At least a 3.5) and course rigor (all honors, 1 ap class and exam already taken, and more honors and at least 2-3 AP planned for this upcoming school year). I've never taken the PSAT, SAT, or ACT, so I don't have test scores. My weakest subject is math, but I'm working really hard to keep my grades in my math classes as mid to high B's, and I have A's or A+ in everything else.

I know I should technically focus on what I'd like to major in and build a "spike" but I haven't found many opportunities in my state for high school students in the fields of law (especially immigration law), and international relations. Most opportunities are for current undergrads or people with an undergrad degree already. I appreciate any and all help.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! As someone who is wrapping up their junior year right now, my best advice would be to keep your schedule relatively clear. If your experience is anything like mine, your class course loads will become much more difficult and lots of time will be spent studying for AP's, SAT, ACT, and many other forms of testing. It's nice to not feel like you're running out of time if your schedule is clear and you can study in shorter intervals for a longer amount of time.

However, with the limited amount of extracurriculars you have, I would consider becoming a little more involved. If you don't have much time to join lots of clubs, consider joining just one (but make sure it correlates to your intended future goals) or volunteer every once in a while. Volunteering helps the community greatly, can be done in many different ways, and looks great on a college application.

Hope that can help!

2 years ago


You already have some great activities! Does your school have a mock-trial club or a Model UN? If so, I would recommend joining that as well as any math-focused clubs your school may offer. Those would both be a good way to spread and expand your resume. If you're interested in joining a sport or other collaborative club, you should do that ASAP. Those extracurriculars in particular show colleges that you are willing and able to work in a team setting.

If your high school doesn't offer a club focused on law, you should start one! This will show colleges that you have management and leadership abilities. Additionally, if you have any other interests, joining or starting a group to support these activities is a wonderful idea.

Good luck!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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