I have a 2 unweighted gpa and im currently a junior taking trig and bio 2. Is there any way to improve during senior year?
If you have a 2.0 GPA that means that you have 3 years or 6 semesters of grades on your high school transcript. Or at least 5 semesters if you haven't received your Spring grades for 11th grade yet.
That means you only have 1, max. 2 semesters of grading left in your college career. The maximum GPA you can attain prior to applying for college by the end of the year is ((6x2)+4.0)/7 = 2.28 unweighted if you get a 4.0 straight A during the fall semester. If you get a 4.0 this Spring and 4.0 this Fall, then your max unweighted GPA can be a( (5x2.0)+8)/7 = 2.57
I don't know why the other respondent said you could end up with a solid 3.0. This is not mathematically possible in your time frame.
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This is an incorrect response, your max. unweighted cumulative GPA maxes out at 2.28 if you already have your junior grades in hand. Sorry for getting your hopes up.