So I just needed advice on my 3rd rec letter that I am going to get from a teacher. So I am debating between my AP Calc and my AP Lang teacher. My AP Calc teacher has known me for 2 years and I think I am one of the best students in the class. I have some classroom stories to share, I have a good relationship with the teacher just not as deep as other teachers I know and not as personal. My AP lang teacher had me my current junior year and my freshman year. Again I have a solid relationship not as deep tho. She knows about me and how I work hard and can speak on my Extra Curricular involvement and my good qualities. And she is an English teacher so she can make it look stellar. I am just not sure who to get and I am going into the business field. I have gotten one from my AP world teacher and my AP Gov teacher who is in charge of FBLA.
Business isn't a STEM subject so the calculus teacher won't be very needed. And as you said an English teacher will probably be able to write a great rec letter. And if she knows about your extracurriculars that's even better. You don't mention if the calculus teacher knows about it too. But even if they do the English teacher would be a better person to write you a rec letter in my opinion. Good luck choosing!
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