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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to raise your gpa?

I am a sophomore in high school about to become a junior. I currently have a 3.3 unweighted gpa and I take all honors classes. I am planning on taking 3 AP classes next year. I want to raise my unweighted gpa to a 3.7 during my junior and senior year. Is it possible?

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3 answers

2 years ago

If you get straight A's in junior year, your cumulative unweighted GPA by the end of 11th grade will be 3.533. If you plan on applying to college regular decision senior year which is the 1/1 deadline you will have 1 additional semester of grades, so 7 semesters total. If you get straight As during senior year, that will raise your cumulative unweighted GPA to 3.60. Therefore a 3.7 UWGPA is not possible in your time frame. The best you can accomplish is 3.60. Sorry to disappoint if you were looking for different answer but the math doesn't lie.

(3.3+3.3+3.3+3.3+4.0+4.0+4.0)/7 = 3.6

(3.3+3.3+3.3+3.3+4.0+4.0)/6 = 3.533

2 years ago

Absolutely, Taking AP really boosts you GPA and if you do really well Junior and Senior, I think you can do even better.

2 years ago

Hi there, I do agree with the previous reply but I also want to add something that might help you. Even if you can't increase your unweighted GPA, it does look good if you have a high weighted GPA. For certain schools (or districts), they offer AP summer schools, it helps you boost your GPA and also get some classes out of the way for you during the school year. Additionally, research if your school has easy and inconsequential AP classes, for example - AP Environmental Science, AP Art History, etc. Even though it still may not boost your overall unweighted GPA, it shows that you're challenging yourself.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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