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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does collegevine help with applying for Admission?

In my school list here on collegevine, i have schools which are listed as applying. Does that mean that collegevine does the application for me or those are the schools that i should apply for?

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3 answers

2 years ago

Hello! As far as I'm aware, the only thing listing a school as "applying" does is indicate to collegevine, and also yourself, that you are applying. Collegevine doesn't submit college applications for you, but if you select that you're applying ED/EA binding or non-binding, for some schools, Collegevine will recalculate your acceptance chances, because you have a greater chance of being accepted if you apply for early action or decision at certain schools.

2 years ago

Hi there, I hope you are fine. Answering your question, College Vine doesn't do anything for you systematically. But it is beneficial for your application, like how to write an essay, be unique in your application, study for the SAT and material, and all kind of things that you will need for your application.

College Vine has a calculator of chances and rates your chances of getting into a University or College. So it is the work that they do for you, but they don´t connect with Common App (The place where you need to charge your profile for all the universities you are applying for). Best greetings!

2 years ago

Wishful thinking. CollegeVine is not a College application processing consulting company. I'm sure there are some vendors out there that will do this for a fee per college but I don't know of any. If you are wealthy, you can hire a College consultant to fill out everything for you but you have to write your own short answers and essays. The fees will vary but most will do this for an hourly rate so expect to pay $100-$150 per hour on the low end and up to $250-$500 on the high end. Good luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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