a year ago
Admissions Advice

bad grades junior year

i blew by school until high school. even in sophmore and freshman year i kept up a 4.0 gpa. but this year i really struggled and my grades have suffered. i have 3 B’s, 2 A’s, a C, and a D. i also got a 1280 SAT. all of my classes are ap/honours and i took three ap’s this year. however, my extracurriculars are pretty strong. i am part of one of the best theatre companies in texas, performing at the 6A state competition last year in uil one act play competition, and starred in leading roles in every single play for the past two years, including playing bigger thomas this year. our rehearsals, which include saturdays, are counted as volunteer hours so i have well over 300 volunteer service hours and qualify for the gold presidential volunteer service award. i also served as an editor for my school’s newspaper, and i’m on the thespian board of my school’s theatre club. could my ec’s cancel/balance out my poor grades?

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1 answer

a year ago

Depends on the schools your are attempting to attend! The more rigourous schools will flag your app due to the D unfortunately. That does no mean that you will not get it, but your application will have additional review in most cases.

Hope this helps.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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