a year ago
Admissions Advice

I am stuck

Hi, I am a rising junior in high school needing urgent college admissions help!

I am trying to go pre-med, but I do not have many STEM extracurriculars. My main spikes are my own initiatives/employment in Cricket:

-I am responsible for the management of a home-based business/cricket store making about 12k in gross income annually since 2023 (only started getting paid this year, but "managed" it since 2021.)

-I am also coach at my local cricket academy. We have about a 100 students, and I am responsible for coaching the U10, U11 and U13 teams. I have coached them not only in practice sessions but also in participation in several tournaments as well outside of my city and throughout the state.

-I am also a cricket player myself in the U17 division. I participate in both adult-level local tournaments and national-level tournaments with teams from all over the US and have won several awards. (Man of the Match, Best bowler of the tournament 2x). I was also in the top 24 U19 players in my state this spring.

Besides those, I was the treasurer of my school's Science Olympiad team freshman year but the club had only just started. I am also a part of my school's debate team where I hope to gain a leadership role in the future.

I am worried as I am trying to go to a selective in-state university for a science major (my academics are pretty strong) but have no STEM-related extracurriculars. Do I still have time to apply for internships/gain said opportunities or is it too late?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Internships are a great way to hone your STEM-based extracurriculars. Pases on your extracurriculars, you’re strong over all but just not in terms of STEM. Tru to get real life experience with the STEM field. This can most likely counteract with the non STEM based extracurriculars. Great hone with your outside life, I can see that great commitment. The debate team might also be another extracurricular that might help since it is vague and can apply to basically anything. For experience, I would try contacting your local STEM based services, this can increase your chances of getting work based on direct communication.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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