Hello all,
Since I was young, I’ve always had a passion in reading and exploring different types of literature. This has lead to a profound interest in writing and research, something of which I’m determined to find a career in.
However, recently, some relatives have attempted to convince me that the written word is dead and that I need to find a job that will offer me stability and a decent income.
Is this something that I need to be weary about before I make a decision? Or should I completely change my path?
I would like to mention that if I were to go into writing, I would definitely try to target the spectrum of non-fiction. I dream of a career as a historical writer or journalist (most likely in sports)
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!! ❤️❤️
Would you recommend something within the realm of English or something else completely different? After I get my degree in journalism, I’m planning on going back to school and getting a masters in library science or teaching.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
English/Journalism isn't dead at all! In fact, in the digital epoch we live in, not to mention the impending movement of artificial intelligence, it's all the more important to keep the spirit of traditional writing alive. If writing is something you are dedicated to and passionate about, don't change your path based on the opinions of others. It's true that writing isn't necessarily the most steady income, but you can think about double majoring (in journalism and a financially stable major).