4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Would a language fluency certificate add a lot to my profile?

I'm going to be applying for college in the fall and I'm trying to figure out what ECs or honors I can add to strengthen my application. I want to study linguistics and I've taken German at school for 3 years (soon to be 4), as well as studying it on my own. There's a German institution called the Goethe-Institut that offers fluency exams, and if you pass you're essentially a 'certified' German speaker. There are several levels, and I was planning on studying for B1, which is the fluency requirement for international students who want to attend a German university. I haven't been practicing basically at all this summer and the test would be in September, and it's slightly above my skill level so taking it would be kind of a high risk/reward situation.

This was a ramble, but TL;DR: I might have the opportunity to take a German fluency exam and passing might add some weight to my college applications. However, the test is fairly expensive and the level I want to take would require me to study pretty hard in the coming months. Would it be worth it?


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3 answers

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

My suggestion would be to get an extra, optional letter of recommendation from your German teacher. This will help you to certify not only your German knowledge but also your self motivation for independent study. This would be less expensive and will demonstrate your personality beyond your language skills. Good luck!

4 years ago

If you passed it it would add something to your application (coominenet to an language showing you can succeed at a high level) but if you fail there is no impact.

Also if your are studying linguistics or international buisness is different than studying let’s say biology. So if passed it will boost but how much I can’t say.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

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