Demographics: Male, South Asian, Private School, NJ
Hooks: None
Intended Major(s): CS, Music? to princeton
UW/W GPA and Rank: Very small class, so we don't do rank but I'm at least in the top 6 out of 55 people. 100 point scale GPA --> 97.5 UW, 100 W
Coursework: AP CS A - 5, AP Calculus AB - 5, AP Human Geography - 5
PENDING: AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Literature, AP US History
SENIOR YEAR COURSELOAD: 5 APS + Multivariable Calculus College Course
Awards: Spanish National Honors Society inductee, PSAT Semifinalist/Finalist, AIME qualifier, Cum Laude (Top 10% of school academically), Awarded Scholarship to RIT as a junior, Top 50 nationally in Carnegie Mellon's picoCTF
Stem Related:
2x Summer programs for CS with UT Dallas and NYUResearch Intern with QSRI (2022 Summer)
Personalized research internship with NJIT, might get paper published (2023 Summer)
President/Co-founder of Computer Science Club (3 years)
Top 7% of chess juniors in the state, rating aroung 1500
AIME 8 in 2022-2023 school year
Head Volunteer/Organizer for free Python program which taught 20+ middle schoolers
Speaker at International CeCCRe conference about the applications of AI/ML in Dentistry in the summer of 2022
Created various neural network models in Python using the Tensorflow dataset, including a Convolutional neural network which could analyze and predict whether skin cancer was benign or malignant with a 90%+ accuracy (don't mind this one too much, its easier than it sounds)
Paid Internship in Software Engineering (2023 Summer)
Non-Stem Related:
Co-Captain of Varsity Tennis Team (we're not good)
CJMEA Regions Choir 2019, 2020, 2023, 2024?
NJMEA All-State Choir 2023
Played Piano for 6+ Years, ABRSM Certification up to Grade 7
Honors Choir Section Leader
Learned Indian Classical Carnatic Music for past 7 years
The essays I have planned should be pretty decent, 7/10.
In terms of LORs, I am receiving one from my math teacher which should be a (6/10), CS teacher (6/10), and college counselor (8/10).
School List:
ED to Columbia for CS or REA to Princeton
Georgia Tech
U Michigan
UT Austin
U Maryland College Park
U Colorado Boulder
RD (based on rejections as well)"
UC Berkeley
U Washington
UT Austin
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
Since you are asking whether your impressive exhaustive list of stats, ECs, honors, awards, and work experience going to disqualify you from attending T20 schools, it's still a "chance me" question if you asked the question in reverse or backward. You should fill out a CollegeVine profile and run it against T20 schools and see how strong or weak you are as a candidate rather than bending the rules here. Good luck (r e d d i t chance me forum seems like what you are looking for).
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