a year ago
Admissions Advice

How important are AP score sends?? +Transfer questions

Hello! As the AP score send deadline looms near, I'm having some second thoughts about which school I should select to receive my score report. For some background, I'm a rising junior, and I've only taken 1 AP exam, which is AP US Government and Politics. I know for a fact I have at least a three on the exam, possibly a four or five (depending on my FRQ's).

I'm most likely going to apply/attend Florida State University. I'd like to major in Political Science with a minor/focus in Public Policy analysis. For this reason, should I send it to FSU?? I think its the most realistic choice, with a 71% simulated acceptance rate for me but, of course there's always the temptation to send it to Georgetown or another Ivy League dream school.

Do score sends really matter all that much before senior year, especially considering the fact that I may end up attending my local community college for their honors program, and then apply as a transfer to FSU once I have an AA?

Send to Florida State
Send to an Ivy dream school
Send to Local community college
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a year ago

Hi! Score sends do not typically matter until enrollment! For example, while colleges love to see you taking AP classes on your transcript because it demonstrates course rigor, the actual scores you receive on AP scores is not relevant to college admission decisions and therefore should not be sent. Free score sends are helpful for seniors who have already committed to a college and have to send their AP scores to receive credit/advanced course placement at their prospective college. Quite frankly sending the AP score will not improve your chances of getting into a school and I would personally wait until senior year to send the scores to whatever school you have decided to attend, no matter how tempting it is to send it to a dream school! I hope this helps!

🎤a year ago

Ah ok, makes sense, thanks! I'm going to pick FSU or the community college then, just so the free send doesn't go to waste.


a year ago

Hi! The thing about sending your scores is that while collegeboard gives you a free one, you can wait to see your score and pay a little extra and send it to many more!!! or you can send the free one to fsu and then pay to send one more to Georgetown!!!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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