a year ago
Admissions Advice

How do I NOT fumble this??


I recently got my decision back from the Dartmouth Bound fly-in program. I was rejected, but I received a line in my letter that is as follows: "However, we were impressed with the strength of your application and would like to offer you a fee waiver to apply to Dartmouth's Class of 2028."

Clearly, I did something right. I plan to apply there for sure in the fall, but I need a little help from you on decoding what this means and what I should do to ensure this isn't a false lead. Basically, how do I NOT mess this up?

Thank you all so much!! :)


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2 answers

a year ago

Hi! So what I think this means is that although they weren't able to accept you for the fly-in program, they considered you a strong applicant of interest and may have only rejected you due to lack of space, etc. By offering a fee waiver, they are telling you that they would like to see you apply for undergrad, and are trying to make it easier for you by covering application costs. For a school like Dartmouth (as in not a small college trying to attract students) you should be flattered. If I were you, I would maybe email the person who sent you the letter and thank them for their consideration and somehow work into the conversation "and for the offer of the fee-waiver", and see if they take the bait. If they don't, reach out to the admissions office and ask them to apply your waiver.

Again, I think Dartmouth wouldn't make such an offer unless they were serious about you. They have no shortage of applicants, and I think if you keep in touch with them by asking for the fee waiver and expressing your interest, you will have a great shot there.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

a year ago

Hey! College application alumn here, graduated hs class of 2022. I applied for a similar fly-in program at Caltech and was accepted (virtually, my year tho bc of COVID). I was also given a fee waiver, and we were told that everyone who was invited to apply to the fly-in program got a fee waiver (because it was for underrepresented and minority students). That being said, the school did do some pre-selection given that the applications were invite-only my year.

However, the following year, applications were open to everyone and they still gave everyone who applied fee waivers. So, that's not to say that you aren't a viable option for the school, but there's no need to freak out and worry about "fumbling" some great opportunity; you're likely no more on their radar than you already were, and the opportunity you have now could be likened to getting an email from the college through collegeboard's "student search service" because of your SAT score, except this time it's through the college's own service due to your being a strong applicant in general - wholistically speaking.

Sorry for the way this response was just kinda spewed out - pretty busy and just noticed this and typed something up real quick, the info should be accurate to my knowledge just ignore the grammar and organization and hope the point comes across :')

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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