Since I took accelerated classes in 8th grade, I got an 89 in algebra and the rest of the accelerated classes were as. However in freshman year I got 2 bs one in science and one in math and now I have two bs again in science and math after sophomore year. To be honest, it has been a very rough couple of years and all I can think about are my grades because I wanted to go to yale. But now I feel hopeless because I have so many bs and my average was a 94. I am not sure the gpa. I have struggled a lot, especially in ninth grade with my mental health but I do not want use that as an excuse. How do I just move on?
Hey, I think you just have to accept yourself and understand that "good" is often better than "perfect". This should not interfere with your life, you need to be distracted.
Tbh just accept no one is perfect and acknolwedge all you accomplished and did
Hey there @loriiiii!
I think the best thing you can do is just accept that you're not perfect; nobody is. We're all human, and humans make mistakes. Things get in the way of perfect grades, and your mental health is more important than an A on your report card. If you average is a 94, that's still really good! You only have four B's, and if you've taken 10-12 classes so far, that's less than 50%. If you got B's in accelerated classes like honors, AP, IB, or dual-enrollment, that's even better. A B is a good grade in a harder class. If you want to get A's for the rest of high school, build a support team. Ask for help. Don't be afraid to use your resources. Focus on putting your best foot forward, and even if you don't always get perfect grades, know that you're trying your best. The pandemic also affected a lot of students in a variety of ways, from causing stress at home and in communities to providing fewer opportunities to learn good study skills in middle school to missing whole semesters of important material. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and ask for help if you need it. You got this!
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