4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I go test optional?

I’m a rising senior and due to COVID it looks like I can’t take the ACT until September, but I want to apply early so I get the first shot at the majors I want. Is it possible to apply now and send the scores down the line? Or should I go test-optional?


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3 answers

4 years ago

If you take the ACT in September, you should have enough time to get your scores back before the earliest deadlines (usually November 1). Are you applying to a school with Rolling Admissions? Even if that's the case, you should still be able to apply with plenty of time.

It's always better to have a test score, especially for selective schools. If you're applying to a less-selective school and your transcript is very strong, you might consider just applying anyways, but it's not the most ideal situation (some scholarships are based on scores, for instance, and it's unclear how that will change with test-optional policies).

Keep in mind that you also should weigh whether or not you have the time to study properly for the ACT. The last thing you want is to take it and get a score you're unhappy with, only to go test-optional anyways. Be realistic with yourself about what you can handle (though a strong test score should be a big priority in the admissions process). Maybe take a timed practice test to see if your initial score is somewhat close to your goal score (at least in the top range of the middle 50% of the schools you're aiming for). If you're close, then you may not have to study "as much," though you should still take it seriously.

Does this make sense? Let me know if you have more questions, and good luck!

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

So crsgo definitely hit the nail on the head with how test op works. In regards to sending it down the line that is definitely feasible if it is one deadline you can appeal in the spring and essentially say I got x score I’m qualified. The process depends on the school however and you’d need to contact the schools admission office for the how to.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

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