a year ago
Admissions Advice

I am going to receive my associates degree along with my high-school diploma. How much attention would this catch?

So my school doesn't offer any ap classes like the rest of high-schools in my city but it does offer dual enrollment which I am doing. Dual enrollment is basically taking college classes at a college that count as both college credit and highschool credit for anyone that doesn't know. Because of this I am receiving my associates degree with my diploma and was wondering if this is something that would stand out to top colleges. Is this enough to replace the fact I never took any APs? Also all the other courses at my school that aren’t dual credit are honors classes. Another thing, the college I am taking the courses at is offering an honors program called "honors college". It's basically gonna give me advanced college classes and is gonna have me do research, publicly speak somewhere, volunteer, and participate in a seminar. I have applied but I am wondering is this something that would stand out to top colleges as well? And would this count as an extracurricular or just more courses. I am trying to assess whether I have the stats to apply to ivys and top colleges lol. Thanks!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

I personally took dual credits and got into an Ivy. College admissions offices will take into account what is and isn't available at your school. Just remember that demonstrating that you are challenging yourself is important. Also, as long as you know that dual credits generally don't transfer to Ivys or most top school everything will be okay. They are still a great avenue to pursue for the course work experience and challenge.

a year ago

I wouldn't worry about not having taken any AP classes; colleges take into account what courses are offered at your school and it seems as though you've taken the most rigorous courses available to you. Sorry, I don't have answers to the rest of your questions, but good luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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