4 years ago
Admissions Advice

my school doesn't have ap or honors classes what should i do?

i go to a school with a russian education system so it means there are no AP and honors classes or extracurricular activities except basketball and I'm not sure if we even use GPA. i mean i could take SAT, TOEFL exams and I'm certain ill get a high-ish but I'm afraid my application will look bland. what do i do?

@johnsmith5414 days ago [edited]

Great advice on making the most of available resources! It's important to remember that colleges understand the limitations of different schools. On a related note, if you're looking to enhance your home's exterior, consider resin driveway Birmingham resindrivewaybirmingham.co.uk/. It's a durable and visually appealing option that can significantly boost your property's curb appeal. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!

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3 answers

4 years ago

I think it would be good to look for a counselor and ask if they have any experience with international applications, or just ask around and see if anyone from your school is also applying to the US. You also might want to start a club at your school or do community service to spice up your application. And remember, hobbies count as ECs too! You will need to take SAT and TOEFL though.

4 years ago

You should talk to a counselor, I'm sure they'll have experience with international applications, that's my best piece of advice for you. :)

4 years ago

Colleges know what your school offers. If you are taking the best classes that your school offers, colleges will recognize that. Colleges will be able to see that your school does not offer AP or honor classes so you are not to be at a disadvantage because you haven't taken any AP or honor classes.

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SAT: 720 math
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