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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Early Decision

I have 2 questions regarding early action. My first is does early action increase your chances of getting accepted. My second is if you get rejected from a college when you apply for early action can you still apply regular decision even if you got rejected from early action?


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1 answer

2 years ago

1. Does early action increase your chances of getting accepted?

Answer: Yes. However, keep in mind that EA (early action) is binding, meaning you can only do that up to one school. If you get accepted during the EA round, you are REQUIRED to attend the school.

2. My second is if you get rejected from a college when you apply for early action can you still apply regular decision even if you got rejected from early action?

Answer: No. After applying via EA, you usually get one of the three: Accepted, Deferred, or Denied (or something along those lines). Accepted means you got in via EA and hence you will go. Deferred means that your application is now merged with people who applied during the regular round, and the final decision will be made on the regular round schedule. Denied means you didn't get into that school (i.e. the school does not want you).

Hope this helps,

SilverDragon (10th-rising 11th, Class of 2025, Japan).

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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