a year ago
Admissions Advice

Rank my Extracurriculars

Some of them are still works in progress:

- Founder & President of a Club

- Vice President of Club#1

- Vice-President of Club#2

- Board member of a student-led NPO

- Content Creation Internship at a small company (Blog Articles, Co-author E-book, Infographics, Social Media Posts, etc.)

- Volunteer Tutor and mentor for other volunteers

- Research Publication in an Online Journal

- Junior Volunteer at a Hospital

Can you give me more ideas for extracurriculars (Pre-Med)? Also can you rank them from 1-8? I'm going for a T40 University... are these good enough? If not, what kind of Universities should I go for (targets & safeties) with these ECs & an UW3.9 W4.5 11 APs? Any additional advice regarding college application process is appreciated!


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1 answer

a year ago

Okay to begin with, your leadership extracerriculars are really strong. That's really going to play to your advantage in the leadership experience essays that schools typically have. The internship is also interesting, since you want to go into Pre-med, but I'm assuming your going to use that as a personal hobby/interest and not an academic one. I'm also a volunteer tutor myself. What is the research publication on? If something bio related will definitely help you IF you can adequately describe what you did and claim the experience as your own. Volunteering at a hospital is also good to show your academic interest. The problem is that since your experiences are so vast, I can't really rate them since they excel in their own categories (leadership, community, academic interest/passion, etc). If you really want another extracurricular, some kind of own initiative related to science/bio would be helpful (even an advocacy project). If you can talk about your experiences well enough and claim it as your own, I think you should be okay for a T40. However, I don't really have that much experience in college admissions. Just want to point out that what's more important than quantity is quality so instead of finding another extracurricular, it might be better to try to advance the ones that you already have so that they're stronger.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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