Hey everyone,
I am an international who recently graduated and wants to enroll in an American university next year. I learned about the admission process and particularly about the importance of AP classes. Unfortunately, my school does not offer them. It however provides the possibility of taking an additional law-related class (which is the field I want to study), but it does quite match what I read online about AP classes and their content. Consequently, I wanted to know if I should take a standardized test such as the SAT or the ACT to try and compensate for that void.
Thanks in advance,
A standardized test wouldn't fill in for an AP class but I do suggest taking one since it would be good to have a score to submit, especially to a university.
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The issue is that I am not in the U.S. and my school does not offer AP classes. There is a class on law that you can take, and I did, but from what I read about AP it does not even compare…