I am going to be a junior in fall and am concerned about whether I will get into a prestigious college in California. My GPA is low because of personal issues (3.4, max 3.55 by the end of junior year) although I know colleges won't really care about why. My extracurriculars are decent but I'm not sure if they could make me stand out and/or compensate for a lower GPA.
I have:
- Started a nonprofit organization focused on aiding domestic violence victims that raised over $10,000.
- Started a book drive that raised over $15,000 and donated over 300 books to hospitals and shelters near me.
- Reached Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts
- Taught for over a year (will be 3 years by application date) at a swim academy
- Been president of the American Heart Association for two years and held fundraisers to donate to children's hospitals (specifically for children suffering from cardiovascular diseases)
- Been research director at an already established nonprofit organization taking action to aid victims of SA and rape.
- Volunteered over 100+ community service hours
Future Extracurriculars:
- Volunteering at the Stanford blood center (possibly an internship) (not completed yet)
- Gotten an internship at Washington Hospital (not completed yet)
Please let me know if there is any way I might be able to get into Stanford, UCSB, UCSD, UCLA, or UCI! If there's anything I may be able to do to increase my chances, I would love to hear from anyone!
I think you'll be more than fine! With all those amazing things you did, they might look pass the GPA. And your GPA isn't that bad, and you can always bring it up since you are still a Junior
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