a year ago
Admissions Advice

what are some cool majors/future jobs i should consider ?

my whole life i've been interested in stem, but i haven't been able to decide what specific aspect i want to focus on. as a rising senior with apps starting soon, i really need to decide what i'm interested in and what career path i should take, but i feel like there's just so many parts of stem there could be some really cool majors or careers ive either overlooked or never even heard of. i used to want to be a mathematician because ive always enjoyed math and it came easily to me, but after having taken ap chemistry i've realized i really enjoy the more science-y aspect of stem, and have started thinking about majoring in biochem, but im not even sure what career id get frm that aside from being a biochemist.

so i'm pretty much just wondering what some cool stem majors/careers are that i might not have considered, especially ones that have to do with the science aspect of stem.


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1 answer

a year ago[edited]

Hello! I would say try to bag some internships in different lab or stem settings! Lots of companies/professors/unis will gladly teach and even allow you to experiment yourself to grasp what happens during their jobs. College Vine has an excellent article (and many more) to help you get different internships. These are great places to experiment with different stem jobs. Internships happen during the school year but are not exempt from the summer. Here's an article to help you start:


They're not only super great and insightful but awesome for applications. Even if you don't get to put it on your app, it's still an excellent opportunity and saves you lots of money before college cause you'll understand a bit about what professions you would and wouldn't like since you've done them.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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