a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I apply test-optional?

Hello! I have been studying quite hard for the SAT since January, but can't seem to get my score above a 1430. This is the summer before my senior year, and im wondering if it's best to just drop my hopes of scoring in the 1520+ range and instead focus on the writing supplements of my application.

Is there truly a downside to applying test optional? I dont want this to be the cause of a rejection.


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1 answer

a year ago

Your SAT score is just one aspect of your college application, and there are other ways to showcase your strengths and potential.

If you've been studying diligently and haven't been able to break the 1430 mark despite your best efforts, it may be worth considering alternative approaches. Focusing on the writing supplements of your application is a great idea. Admissions committees also evaluate your essays, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and overall academic performance.

Regarding applying tests optional, it's important to research and understand the policies of the specific colleges you're interested in. Many colleges have adopted test-optional policies, meaning they don't require SAT or ACT scores for admission. Instead, they place more emphasis on other aspects of your application. For such colleges, there generally isn't a downside to applying test optional. However, it's crucial to review each college's specific policies and consider how omitting test scores may affect your overall application.

If you have more questions talk to your counselor because they know more about the statistics and they can help you decide.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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