is there anything specific i absolutely need to know for college l/going into collage
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@Cosinoa year ago [edited]
Apply to more than one college. It is important to apply to multiple colleges or universities, so you can choose later on which college to attend depending on the colleges that have accepted you. Also, choose a major or at least have an idea of your college direction. Apply for financial aid, scholarships, etc. Have extracurriculars and take challenging classes to increase your chances of admission to your preferred colleges/universities. Good luck!
[🎤 AUTHOR]@samantha.hecka year ago
Thank you so much this is really helpful!!
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Apply to more than one college. It is important to apply to multiple colleges or universities, so you can choose later on which college to attend depending on the colleges that have accepted you. Also, choose a major or at least have an idea of your college direction. Apply for financial aid, scholarships, etc. Have extracurriculars and take challenging classes to increase your chances of admission to your preferred colleges/universities. Good luck!