a year ago
Admissions Advice

I have no idea on how to start my essay

All of Texas's universities prompt is "Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?"

I literally have no clue of what I can write about. I just feel that no unique opportunities or challenged had happened to me. Any ideas or inspirations of what I can do or write about?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

what you can do (if you feel like you have no unique opportunities or challenges happened to you) is write about your passions and your love for whatever hobbies you have, and how you believe they can shape your life, and/or mention how one little event has changed your livelihood and how different your world may have become if it was not for said event, even if said situation was not recent, you have to think hard and retrospect, you have to approach your passion and belief, your relationships with anyone or anything, or even your desires, and i believe that is when you can find a topic for your essay.

a year ago

i had a hard time with this too because i really haven’t had to face any sort of serious adversity in my life. i struggled for a while trying to figure out what to write about because frankly as an academic focused teenager my life is quite boring and i don’t have any pivotal stories to tell lol. so basically what i ended up doing was making a life map of the past four years of my life- i started with my camera roll and went through and wrote down all the things that happened and then filled in the gaps from there. i highlighted some events that stuck out to me (starting guitar again after i quit in middle school, my varsity volleyball game after covid, reconnecting with a former friend, etc.) and then started writing about each one to see which one would come naturally, and then i stuck with that one and fleshed it out. anyways that’s what worked for me, and i hope that it can help you !! don’t stress too much in the meantime, u got this :)

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