a year ago
Admissions Advice

How do I apply for a tour

This year my senior year in high school I will not have the average 8 classes instead I will have 5 .So this year I plan on going on a lot of tours to see the college of my dreams

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Accepted Answer
a year ago

To apply for a college tour, follow these steps:

Visit the college's website: Go to the official website of the college you are interested in touring. Most colleges have a dedicated section for campus visits or admissions where you can find information about tours.

Schedule the tour: Look for a "Schedule a Visit" or "Campus Tour" option on the website. Many colleges have an online form where you can select a date and time for your tour.

Provide necessary details: Fill out the required information, such as your name, contact information, preferred date and time for the tour, and any specific interests or questions you have.

Confirm the tour: After submitting the form, you may receive an email confirmation with the details of your scheduled tour. Some colleges may require you to confirm your attendance.

Prepare for the tour: Before the tour, research the college to familiarize yourself with its programs, campus facilities, and any specific areas you want to explore. Make a list of questions you want to ask during the tour.

Attend the tour: On the scheduled date, arrive at the designated meeting point on campus. College tours are usually led by current students or admissions representatives who will guide you around campus, providing information about the college's history, academic programs, student life, and more.

Take notes and ask questions: During the tour, take notes of key information and ask questions to get a better understanding of the college and its offerings.

Follow up: After the tour, consider sending a thank-you email to the tour guide or admissions office expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to visit the campus.

Remember that college tours can be in-person or virtual, especially if you're unable to visit the campus physically. Check the college's website for details on virtual tour options or other alternative options for exploring the campus and gathering information about the college.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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